Are the DOWRY related LAWS
effective? A REPORT BY
Review of Rape Related Cases/Laws
1. AIDS Awareness Group (AAG) started working in
the Central Jails, Tihar on 8th June 1995, providing assistance and
guidance on AIDS related issues, as well as free legal aid to
prisoners in need.
2. AAG's Programme for the prisoners includes
educating the prisoners on the problem of AIDS and the precautions
that can be taken to protect oneself from HIV infection.
3. AAG's major Programme is on Human Rights. AAG
provides legal options as well as free legal aid to the needy under
trial prisoners. AAG's legal assistance has resulted in bails being
granted, and the release of very many prisoners. There have also
been many acquittals through AAG.
4. During these legal interventions in Tihar Jail,
AAG's team interacts with the inmates, and through these, we have
come to know that many prisoners appear to be innocent. They are
locked up, under what appear to be fabricated charges, or wrongly
caught for certain offences, they do not seem to have committed.
While interacting with the prisoners, AAG's team realised how
helpless those prisoners were, who had not committed any offence but
are / were still incarcerated in the jail. The conditions get worse
when the prisoners are inside the jail under the charges of rape,
dowry harassment, or under the various sections of NDPS Act, etc.
These laws are so rigid, and harsh that, if anyone gets charged
under these laws they have to languish in jail for many years
because these laws are cognisable in nature. Bail is seldom granted
in such cases. We give a few examples showing how the alleged
victim's parents, and the police, take advantage of the provisions
of the rape laws. There are examples where the girl herself, makes
wrongful use of these sections to earn easy money.
Why the topic of Rape
5. Not a single right-minded person can be opposed
to just punishment to an offender who indulges in the crime of rape.
Rape leaves the victim with a permanent scar and the trauma haunts
her throughout her life. She remains affected by the psychological
trauma for most of her life and not just immediately after being
subjected to it.
The Human Rights' concept includes the rights of
women. When the law is ineffective, or there are loopholes in the
law, they often lead to miscarriage of justice. There can be no
hesitation in fighting for better laws and better procedures so that
the rapist is punished and the laws act as a deterrent against rape.
Throughout History
women have been discriminated against, and they
have been suppressed. There is a bias against women, and unfair
treatment is meted out to them. It therefore became imperative to
take steps through appropriate changes in the law to correct this.
The august bodies of the legislature and the judiciary took strong
action to remedy the injustice to them. The laws were made stringent
against the rapist. They even tilted in favour of the women, and
rightly so.
6. At the time of amending the laws to protect the
women, who had been victimised for so long, nobody could have
imagined that the women could become so empowered that some of them
would actually dare to abuse the very laws, meant for suppression of
the crime of rape. Some women have caused unmitigated hardship to
innocent persons, by falsely accusing them of having raped them.
They have done this for a variety of reasons: to secure unfair
advantage for personal gain, or for manipulating the alleged rapist
to act according to their wishes.
7. It is therefore imperative that the same
authorities take corrective steps to prevent abuse of a good law.
These corrective steps would introduce such safeguards and penal
clauses into both, the rape related laws and the procedural laws, to
prevent innocent people from being imprisoned for long periods while
the trial is in progress. We uphold the view that rape is one of
the worst crimes and the actual rapist must be punished
severely. At the same time we uphold the view that false
accusation of rape is equally reprehensible and should be
punished very severely. The reason is that the innocent man loses
his position and status in society, his job, and faces total
disruption of his family. There is always a nagging doubt, among the
family members, about what really happened. He cannot do anything to
remove this suspicion and so suffers in silence. By strict
enforcement of the rape law, in its present form, grave injustice to
the innocent victims (the accused) often takes place. Abuse of
the rape related laws is also a heinous crime. Steps need to be
taken to prevent misuse of the law. Clauses need to be inserted in
the law to mete out deterrent punishment against the complainant who
makes a false complaint. There needs to be adequate compensation to
the victim (innocent accused) provided for in the Act and the Indian
Penal Code through legislative action.
Some of the reasons, for taking up this topic, are:
(a) During the past 3 years the field-workers of
AIDS Awareness Group1, have come across a number of
instances where false or unjust accusations of rape were levelled
against some under-trial prisoners. Such accusations, given the
nature of the law, and changes made recently, led to prolonged and
protracted pre-trial detention of the under-trials and caused grave
hardship to their families. Even being acquitted cannot compensate,
the innocent, accused for the defamation of character, loss of job,
status and reputation. After repeated interactions with under-trial
prisoners, including examination of their case documents and
1 The AIDS Awareness Group is a registered
voluntary organisation. The objectives of the Organisation include
research and advocacy work on social injustice. The staff and
volunteers including advocates of the Organisation visit Tihar Jail,
Delhi regularly to provide free legal aid, AIDS awareness
information and communication skills to the inmates, the Jail
officials and staff. The Organisation is also assisting in drug
rehabilitation programme that is conducted amongst the inmates.
subsequent developments in the courts in their
criminal cases, AAG's staff felt that it was essential to review the
working of the rape related laws through the cases in hand. In many
of the cases the accused were discharged at the stage of framing
charges. These under-trials spent a minimum of a year or two in
jail, before they were set at liberty. They lost their employment
and earned a very unsavoury reputation in society, and suffered
defamation of their character. Hence the ultimate Court verdict of
not guilty did not compensate them for their loss of liberty and
position in society, prospects of marriage and job.
(b) In many cases the prosecutrix, or the so-called
"victim", resorted to bargaining with the alleged accused,
before the crucial stage of evidence. The manner and mode of
bargaining carried out by the prosecutrix left no doubt as to what
had actually transpired. The motive was clear _ to make a fast buck
and when the men refused to succumb to blackmail, she filed a
criminal complaint of rape. The police lodged an FIR and the accused
were placed in judicial custody. The Court proceedings, obviously,
could not have reflected the blackmail factor of such
The case, which was closely followed by AAG, is -
BPS/OR.C.P. (F.I.R. No. 564/99 Police Station-Hauz Khas) -
The accused and his two accomplices hired a call girl. After the
work of the girl was over, she was paid the price that was fixed by
them before. The girl tried to make easy money by blackmailing and
threatening them that unless her demand for a large sum of money
(Rupees fifty thousand per person) was met, she would lodge a
complaint of rape. The three persons refused to give in to
blackmail. So she filed a false complaint in the police station at
Hauz-Khas. The three accused were arrested and placed in judicial
custody. She again approached them in the jail and started
negotiating with the accused. At first she demanded Rs 50,000 per
head in exchange for withdrawing her complaint. Finally an agreement
was reached in front of counsels from both sides that the three of
them would pay Rs 15,000.each to the girl. Both parties then went
for an out of court settlement.
(c) With the current trend of making laws and
procedures more stringent, it has become virtually impossible to
obtain bail for such under trials. At present there appears to be no
remedy under the law to stop this unwarranted trend.
(d) These disturbing aspects of rape-related laws
have not received the attention they deserve. During the past
two decades, the development of the law relating to rape has
resulted in causing grave difficulty to an innocent accused. The
accused is imprisoned merely on the basis of a complaint by a woman,
as rape is a cognisable, non-bailable offence. The innocent accused
(victims), have to establish / prove their innocence, before their
detention in jail can end. This may and does take years.
8. Some of the assertions made above, would be
substantiated during the following general observations about
criminal investigation, inquiry and trial relating to rape and other
connected offences.
9. The Supreme Court substantiated the above
assertions in a judgement by a contrast comparison of Indian
conditions with Western conditions Bharwada Bhoginbhai Hirjibhai
Vs State of Gujarat (Annexure 8). In the Western World it is
rare that the police would recommend prosecution without adequate
investigation or evidence. Unfortunately, this cannot be said of our
own investigating agencies. Almost all of the eight reasons given
in the judgement as to why a false accusation of rape may be
levelled by a woman in the Western World can be found to exist in
India also. This is shown by the cases discussed and reported
below. In the West, if a case of rape is found to be false, on
prosecution, it can be presumed that serious deterrent
consequences would follow against the person making such an
accusation. It is correct that this pronouncement by the Supreme
Court was in the setting of an observation that there is a rise
in crime against women in India. But rape, is not the only offence
that can be seen as causing a rise in the statistical compilation of
10. Ideally, criminal laws, and their accompanying
procedures, were meant to punish those who were guilty, at the same
time ensuring that innocents did not suffer.
11. However, today's guiding philosophy, while
dealing with rape cases, is that, "Indian women will not lie in
this matter". Hence, with the aim of reducing the crime of rape,
the principle, that innocents must not be punished (as
described in the above paragraph), is often forgotten or
sidelined, since the Supreme Court judges are of the view that,
"Indian women will not lie in this matter".
How women became powerful
12. After independence more and more women were
given the opportunity to get educated. On getting emancipated, they
started thinking about their rights. They started to compare their
rights with those of the men. They came to realize that men had been
dominating the women for centuries. Women were given no rights to
property. There were other inequalities also.
13. In the post independence period, the women
started to consolidate their strength, and started very active
pressure groups. They started to fight for political, social, and
legal rights and equality with men.
14. By the Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1983,
Sec. 375 was modified and the word `rape' was
substituted by the words "sexual offences".
Another important modification is the explanation
part added to sec. 375, which says, "Penetration is sufficient to
constitute the sexual intercourse necessary to the offence of
rape." (For details please see Annexure 2)
15. These changes have given a certain amount of
power to the women. It has tempted some of them to misuse the
law, either for money, or for social status, or to satisfy their
desire for vengeance.
16. Like in the case of N. B. v/s State of
Orissa _ where Supreme Court had given a verdict that the rape
victim should be given an appropriate amount of compensation (Rs. 10
Lakhs in her case).
17. Similarly in Vishaka case (Vishaka Vs. The
State of Rajasthan, August 1997) [AIR 1997 Supreme Court
3011] the court pointed out a few guidelines about what amounts
to sexual harassment in the work place.
18. All these judgments, and the section itself,
have given the women, especially the urban women, an opportunity
to abuse the amended rape law, if they want to do so. Any public
protest or media publicity puts pressure, on the police, to conduct
the investigation, speedily. Whether or not, there will be a
conviction will depend upon the way the police investigate the
matter. Once the investigations are completed, and the charge sheet
is filed, the fate of the case is more or less sealed. Therefore any
interventions regarding investigations have to be done before the
charge sheet is filed and at this level the evidence is often
19. These laws are grossly abused because it
empowers the women immensely. The Indian Express of 27 March 2001
quotes an Additional Sessions Judge, Shri BS Mathur, " The
legislation should devise some mechanism to ensure against misuse
and abuse." He further stated, "The misuse of Section 376
IPC has become rampant for ulterior motives and for illegal
gains or for compelling some one to come to (accept) the
unreasonable terms (demands made by the prosecutrix).
Note: The words in brackets are added by the
20. The Centre for Feminist Legal Research
has proposed certain amendments to be introduced in
Sections 161, 164, (Statements made before the I.O. and the
magistrate respectively) 53 (medical examination of the accused at
the request of the police officer), 54 (Medical examination of the
arrested person by the medical practitioner at the request of the
arrested person) of Cr.P.C., and Sections 114A, (presumption that
the rape victim is telling the truth) 146 (questions lawful in
cross-examination), 155 (Impeaching the credit of the witness), of
Indian Evidence Act. Apart from these suggestions they are further
proposing that before Section 166 a new section should be included.
The Centre has demanded that all the offences relating to sexual
harassment of women should be listed under one section of sexual
offence (Section 354, 375, 376 and 509 of IPC) and that too before
section 166 CrPC. The most important suggestion they asked for was
that child rape should be inserted in the section related to sexual
21. We uphold the view that any injustice, whether
to women or to men is inhuman. We are depriving him/her of her/his
basic fundamental right and/or birthright. "Power corrupts, and
absolute power corrupts absolutely." The very power given to women
for their defence is now being abused, or misused by some
women. The learned judges in the Supreme Court gave this power
to the women because they felt that women, who were raped, were so
traumatised by the horrible experience that they were killed
mentally. This is possibly true of most of the women who are
actually raped. However there are cases where the woman is not
raped, but cries "RAPE", for a variety of reasons. Since Rape is
a cognizable and non-bailable offence, many innocent
people who are charged u/s 376 (Rape) get arrested and put in
judicial custody and languish in jail for years, before their
innocence can be established. The
State is violating the human rights of all persons
who are charged falsely and placed in judicial custody without
preliminary investigations about their guilt or innocence. This is a
breach of his human /fundamental rights. In the normal course the
statement given by the accused is held against him. But according to
Article 20, Clause 3, of the Indian Constitution, "No person
accused of any offence shall be compelled to be a witness against
himself" the corresponding provision is article 11 Clause 2
of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Basically all
the confessions made by the accused in the police station are made,
either under duress or under third degree.
22. The law regarding Rape is grossly misused for
different reasons. For example, in a complaint of abduction or
kidnapping, i.e. U/s 363 and 366, the Investigation officer also
includes Sec. 376 IPC, (even when rape has not been mentioned in the
complaint) to make the offence cognizable and non-bailable. He
sometimes persuades the complainants to add the complaint for rape
also so that the accused is put in judicial custody. The accused is
arrested then and there. He is not examined during the
investigation. This state continues till the judgement is passed. If
the accused is innocent it becomes a gross violation of his human
and fundamental rights as he is wrongly confined in judicial
custody. Before making an arrest, there is no attempt to determine
whether the person is innocent or guilty. Thus when a woman cries
Rape, a man or men named by her, in her complaint, is/are arrested.
23. Although every rape is the criminal violation
of the woman - physically and mentally. To protect the women from
these atrocities, the Government has been introducing certain
amendments to Section 376. This section has existed since 1860 when
the IPC came into force. In 1983 an amendment was made to this law.
(Please see Annexures 2 and 3 for further details). The Criminal
Code lays down procedures to balance the scale so that there is no
abuse of power or miscarriage of justice in a criminal trial. During
our work in the jail, while providing free legal aid to the
disadvantaged prisoners, we came across several cases where we felt
that there were some cases where miscarriage of justice was taking
place. Our research examines the various kinds of injustice meted
out to the accused. In the succeeding pages, we have described some
of the ways, the laws are being misapplied and abused.
The Major Loopholes responsible for mis-use of Law
* Age
22. Clause 6 of Section 375 IPC states that
if a man and woman consent to have sexual intercourse, and if the
woman is below 16 years of age, then the offence of rape is made out
because a girl of 16 or below the age of 16 yrs. is not considered
mature enough to understand the implications of this act. Falsifying
the age of the girl is one major way that the law can be manipulated
to convict a person, wrongly under the charge of rape.
Therefore, the determination of correct age decides the result in
several cases.
The courts determine the age of the prosecutrix on
the following bases: -
1 M.C.D birth certificate
2. School leaving certificate
3. Ossification test
1. M.C.D. Certificate
This feature needs to be considered because it
often shows the real age of the (victim), prosecutrix. Sometimes the
parents get tempted into making a false age certificate to ease the
problems faced during admission of their children. These false
certificates are grossly misused in rape cases, because in reality
the age of the prosecutrix might be 18 years; however due to the
false declaration of the age of the prosecutrix, the accused is not
able to prove his innocence "M.C. Prasannan Vs State Of West
Bengal, 1999 Cr.L.J. 998. (Calcutta HC)
As the Supreme Court observed in the case of
Brij Mohan Singh Vs Priya Brat Narain Singh (AIR 1965 SC 285)
"In actual life it often happens that persons give
false age of the boy/girl at the time of his / her admission to a
school so that in later life he/she would have an advantage while
seeking public services for which a minimum age for eligibility is
often prescribed. The court cannot ignore this fact while assessing
the value of the entry and it would be improper for the court to
base any conclusion on the basis of the entry, when it is
alleged that the entry was made upon false information supplied with
the above motive. So, quite often, the documentary evidence
regarding the age is not genuine."
2. School leaving certificate
In urban areas, mostly, the school-leaving
certificate is a genuine document but in the rural areas the school
leaving certificate as well as the Admission Register are not
genuine because the parents, while admitting a candidate, are often
ignorant about the age of their wards. Thus, a false age may be
submitted, innocently or deliberately, to an educational
institution. Often, a lower age is given to the schools, in order to
gain an advantage when seeking public service through competitive
exams later on in life. Similar discrepancies may exist in municipal
records. Many times, the documentary evidence, regarding the age is
not genuine. So prosecution may claim whatever age they like, e.g.
in the case of "Kabir Mali Vs State of Bihar Crl Appeal No.79 of
1990 (R)"
"Appellant was known to her before and she
voluntarily went with the accused and they are married. They had
sexual intercourse also.
"In this particular case the school register
came in for rescue of the appellant _ the register showed that the
prosecutrix was about 19 years at the time of occurrence. Doctor's
report indicates the age of victim girl as 17 years (but could not
be relied upon as the Dr. was not examined)".
3. Ossification Test
When the prosecution fails to prove it's case on
the basis of MCD Birth Certificate and the school-leaving
certificate, then only the prosecution can rely on the
ossification test of the prosecutrix. In the ossification tests,
the Doctor examines the teeth, development of the joints of
bones of the prosecutrix and then opines her age.
Moola Ram Vs State of Rajasthan 2000 Crl. L.J.2506
This is a case of child rape, but the
ossification test showed the prosecutrix to be 12 years old.
However, the parents of the girl stated that the girl was 16 years
of age at the time of the crime. The girl became hostile; she
retracted all the statements, she had made, earlier, to the police.
As a result the accused was acquitted.
Peeru Vs State of Madhya Pradesh (1996) 2 Crimes 42
The age of the prosecutrix was about 14 years at
the time of the incident, there can always be a margin of two to
three years on either side. The judgement in the case of "Jaya
Mala Vs Home Secy Govt of J&K AIR 1982 SC 1297" was cited
where The Supreme Court had observed that one should take judicial
notice of the fact that the margin of error in the determination of
the age by radiological examination was two years on either side.
Based on this judgement, the court observed that
the prosecutrix was a consenting party. This observation was
based on the fact that she had travelled along with the accused,
willingly, to two different villages and spent a fair amount of time
in the public places, without making any hue and cry for help. This
showed that the girl was a consenting party.
This benefited the accused. The other circumstances
pointed out that there was a voluntary consent. In "S.
Varadarajan's" case, the judge of the Madras (Chennai) court,
maintained that now a days a girl is very much aware of what she is
doing, and this should be kept in mind while pronouncing a verdict."
The ossification test can be a major help to the
accused when he does not have any other evidence to prove his
innocence. The age factor is a major loophole. It is
continuously used by the parents for manipulating the accused in to
submitting to their demands for money, or some other favour. It can
also be used to take revenge for marrying their daughter against
their wishes.
* Corroboration
There are cases where statement of the prosecutrix
recorded in the FIR often differs from what she later states in the
court (Statements u/s 161 & 164 Cr.P.C.)
Fota & Damra vs. State Of Rajasthan 1999 Cr.L.J.1677
Criminal appeal no _ 239 of 1998.
In this case, it was accepted by the court that the
prosecutrix was not a reliable witness. Her statement was not
corroborated by medical evidence as: not a single injury was found
on her person though she had claimed that she had been injured.
Suresh N. Bhusare & Others vs. State Of Maharashtra 1998
(3) Crimes 187 (SC).
"The accused was charged for rape. The prosecutrix
stated that the accused had dragged her inside his shop, and then
raped her. No injury was found on her person. The victim's evidence
was inconsistent with the FIR lodged by her on the material aspect.
In this case it was also stated by the prosecutrix that she was at
the advance stage of pregnancy and because of the rape, she had
aborted on the third day. Medical Evidence belied evidence. It was
held that because of infirmities in evidence of the victim implicit
faith could not have been placed upon her evidence."
In Bharwada Bhodinbhai Hirjibhai vs. State of
Gujarat (AIR 1983 SC 753) Supreme Court held that "corroboration
is not essential for conviction of rape"
It has been stated by the apex court in this case
" in India it is rare for a woman to make false
accusation of rape because in reporting the crime, she has to suffer
several types of embarrassment and humiliation especially
from society, during cross examinations, medical examination and
also because of the publicity given to the case by the
Sheikh Zakir vs. State (Air 1983 sc 911) It
was held that "In the case of a grown up and
married woman, allegedly raped, corroboration must be insisted
As a rule of prudence the court must
normally seek some corroboration of her testimony so as to justify
that she is telling the truth, and the accused is not falsely
implicated. This judgement of the Supreme Court contradicts the
judgement quoted above.
State of Orissa vs. Dhirendra Naik1986(2) Crimes 151 (SC).
It was held by the Orissa H.C. that "there is
no reason to insist on corroboration of the victim's evidence as a
general rule, except from the medical evidence, where having regard
for the circumstances of the case, medical evidence may be for the
coming corroboration may, however be insisted upon when a victim
having attained majority is found in a compromising position and
there is a likelihood of her having levelled an accusation of rape
on account of the instinct of self-preservation or when the
probabilities factor is found to be out of tune".
Vasant Sukhdeo Sandanshiv & Ors.vs. Maharashtra &
Another's 1996 (3) Crimes 348 (HC).
"Rule of prudence requires that in every case of
rape of married woman the advisability of corroboration should be
present in the mind of the Judge and must be indicated in the
judgment. The Rule of prudence requires that the advisability of
corroboration should be present in the mind of Judge, and must be
indicated in the judgment."
It may be seen that the new Amendments made in the
Cr.P.C., IPC and the Indian Evidence Act, have made women more
powerful. Thus as a result of the inclusion of these provisions,
many cases of false accusation are taking place. One cannot deny the
fact that the graph of false accusation is increasing sharply,
and many innocent persons are being charged u/s 376.
* Penetration
In the 1983 amendment act, the word
penetration was inserted in s.376 of IPC. It is now held that
even the slightest penetration in the vagina amounts to the offence
of rape. It is very difficult to prove, the penetration in the cases
of married women but in the cases of child rape it is evident
whether the case is fabricated or not. In cases of child rape, the
injury is visible. According to the law, even a partial
penetration, leading to the rupture of the hymen, is sufficient to
constitute rape, even though there might not be deep penetration
into the vaginal canal. From the mere fact that there was no
dilation of the vaginal canal it cannot be assumed that the offence
was not committed, when the injury to the hymen showed clearly that
there was a penetration by the male organ. The prosecutrix and
her family very rarely misuse this provision. However, in
some child rape cases it is evident from this procedure of medico
legal factor that the said section is misused. Like in the cases of:
Sahajan Khan Vs State of Orissa 1994(2) crimes 203 at p.204,
205 (Orissa)
When it is an alleged rape, with full penetration
by a well-developed male organ into the vaginal passage of a girl,
of six years of age. According to the doctor, it would be difficult
to admit even the tip of the finger. In case there is any
penetration, there would definitely be marks of injury on the penis
of the person committing rape and also on the vagina of the
prosecutrix. If there were no sign of injury on the penis of the
accused, it would indicate that the accused is innocent of the
alleged crime of rape.
Pawan Kumar Vs State of Haryana 1985(1) crimes
201 at p.203 (P&H) and Vipin Kr. Vs State of Haryana (1985)(1)
Crimes 105 at pp.106, 107 (P&H)
The doctor in this particular case opined that the
hymen of the prosecutrix was intact and her vagina admitted a tip of
a finger with difficulty. There was no injury or mark of violence
over the external genitals and thighs. Further, in her evidence she
deposed that she caused injuries to the appellant's face and arms
with her nails. The doctor, however, did not find any injury on the
person of the appellant. It was held by the hon"ble court that the
prosecutrix had concocted a story to implicate the appellant. He was
acquitted. "Zahoor Ali Vs State of U.P.1990 (2) Cr.L.J.124 at
p.127 (ALLAHABAD)".
* Rupture of Hymen
There are cases no doubt, in which it has been held
that the rupture of the hymen is not a necessary result of rape,
since it does not result from a mere partial penetration. The
rupture is not necessary for rape. Legally, it is questioned whether
there could have been sufficient penetration of vulva, which was not
near the surface, and the hymen remains intact. Pawan Kumar Vs
State of Haryana 1985(i) crimes 201 at p.203 (P&H).
* Potency of the male
This is normally not considered. However, there are
certain cases of misuse where the prosecutrix had fabricated the
case against the accused. In the trial when the medical examination
was conducted, it came to light that the person was impotent. Like
in Gopala Bin Rama (1896) unreported Cr.C.865 _ This
is only possible if the male organ had the power of erection that
again, postulates that the woman was potent. (Ibid, at p.866)
In Bombay it appears to have been laid down that potency of the
accused must be proved in each case.
* Medical
In cases involving rape, or attempted rape, the
medical examination of the prosecutrix as well as that of the
accused is essential. It could provide evidence of rape, if the
medical examination is conducted immediately. Prompt examination has
ruled out the charges of rape in some cases.
Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology of Dr. Modi is
considered to be an authority on the subject. The following are some
examples from his book:
"A 20 year old woman, alleged to be the victim of
rape, was brought to Modi- a renowned medical jurist of his time-
for examination. Marks of scratches on forearm and chest of the lady
were found by Modi to have been stimulated with a pebble. These
marks could be wiped of by rubbing them with wet cotton. The book
describes from the Annual Report of the Chemical Examiner, Bengal,
1935, the case where an alleged victim's clothes were covered with
several stains of blood of a bird. On the basis of a medical
examination by a competent doctor in 1946, the police had to report
the alleged case of rape as false. Dr. Modi also came across a false
allegation of child rape and the creation of medical evidence to
implicate his neighbour by the father because of enmity." Such cases
are difficult to detect from the reported judgments. In a few of the
cases, reported recently, it was found that the prosecutrix had
claimed falsely that she had been injured during the alleged rape.
During the trial it was brought out clearly that her statement was
In another case, decided by the Supreme Court,
where the prosecutrix had stated that she was in an advanced stage
of pregnancy and that, as a result of the rape, she had aborted
three days later. This was discovered to be false from the medical
evidence. If there is a delay in medical examination, the evidence
of rape gets wiped out. Frequently, the signs of rape are not
detectable after 24 hours. In rural areas, this is almost always the
case before the complaint is lodged, and the victim is taken for
medical examination at a government hospital.
During the medical examination, the rape victim and
the alleged accused are both treated very insensitively. The rape
victim is frequently treated very insensitively and roughly by the
police officials or subsequently during court proceedings.
We had intended to present more examples of abuse
of rape law from trial court records, as in our opinion most of the
cases where unjustified claims of rape are made, can be found in
trial court records, which have ended in acquittals before the trial
court itself. AAG had
sought permission to inspect Sessions court records
from the Honourable High Court of Delhi. The permission was not
granted. Having failed to get such permission, we had to confine
ourselves to citing cases from judgements of High Courts and the
Supreme Court. In addition we have cited cases handled by AAG.
Section 376 of the Penal Code is often invoked in
cases of elopement. These are the cases where a girl decides to
marry the boy against the parent's wishes. Some examples of such
misuse have been given in the preceding pages of this Report. Many
similar examples can be found from reported judgements but these are
not the only cases where misuse takes place. There could be a
variety of reasons for alleging rape. Some of the recent examples
from the reported Judgements are given below.
Chintu alias Chintram vs. State of HP 1997 (4) Crimes 343
Pressure by the family, or the society, forced the
girl to lodge a false case of rape.
Yunus Turab Shaikh Vs State of Maharashtra 1993 (3) Crimes
The accused refused to marry the girl after an
affair, which included sexual relations with her. The girl filed a
case of rape in retaliation.
Mujia alias Mauji lal & others vs. State of M.P. 1998 (2)
Crimes 418
The man had won the panchayat election. His
opponent made his wife file a false case of rape in retaliation. The
Honourable High Court acquitted the accused holding that "rape may
have been alleged" falsely.
Sita Ram @ Sushant Kumar Vs State of Himachal Pradesh 1998
(3) Crimes 345
It was held that the allegation of rape was made
against the accused after due deliberation and consultation as a
counter blast to cases registered against the prosecutrix on the
basis of report of the accused Raj Kumar.
Madan Lal Vs State of MP 1997 (3) Crimes 210
When the appellant, an employee of Railway
Department, disclosed to the prosecutrix that he was going to
Allahabad for training, the prosecutrix expressed her desire to
accompany him. On 8 January 1995 at about 6.30 p.m. the prosecutrix
left her house on the excuse of easing herself and taking a suitcase
secretly, left her house. Her mother lodged a report with the police
on the basis of which a formal F.I.R. under Sections 363/366 IPC was
registered. Section 376 IPC was added later. As per the ossification
test, her age was determined to be between 15 _1/2 and 16-1/2 years.
The accused was acquitted based on the precedence established in the
case of S. Varadarajan.
Tapan Ghosh Vs State 1987 (3) Crimes 108
The accused started a signature campaign asking the
prosecutrix and her family to vacate the premises in a railway
quarter, where they were staying unauthorisedly. The prosecutrix
filed a rape case against the accused and he was
convicted. In the appeal in the High Court the defence lawyer
contended that this was the reason for the charge of rape against
the accused. A division bench of the Calcutta High Court, while
acquitting the accused on his appeal against the conviction,
observed, "no finding can be arrived at on the basis of an
isolated fact or proposition regarding a particular course of
conduct or behaviour pattern."
The laws regarding Rape have been modified and made
more stringent and comprehensive. The Government of India amended
the law on rape for ensuring that the women, who were victims of
rape, got justice and their welfare was looked after. The rigid
nature of these modified Rape related laws, made the laws more
susceptible to misuse. These amendments to the law lay down severe
punishment to the person/s who commit the crime. Since the onus of
proving innocence now lies with the accused, the women and their
respective family members get a major advantage over the former;
there is a greater tendency to misuse the new provisions in the law.
The team from AAG, which visits the jails, meets
the prisoners in need of help, provides free legal aid to the
disadvantaged prisoners. In the course of taking up cases on behalf
of the prisoners we came across many cases where it was evident that
the laws on Rape were being misused. After an analysis of the cases
we found that these laws were manipulated for the following reasons:
Reasons Responsible for Mis-Use of Law
1. The girl had consensual sex, but subsequently,
claimed that she was raped, under parental pressure.
2. When she was caught red handed in a compromising
3. When the girl got pregnant, but the boy refused
to marry her.
4. When the girl eloped and married the boy of her
choice against her parents' wishes. The parents coerced her into
claiming she was raped, and filing a complaint in the police
station. The parents did not approve of the boy because of
differences in caste, creed, religion or status. They used the
loopholes in the law to take revenge.
1. She had consensual sex, but subsequently,
under pressure, claimed that she was raped.
Jindu Vs State of Punjab (1979) XXXI Punjab L.R.194, 195
The prosecutrix was taken to a room upstairs in the
appellant's house. There, they had sexual intercourse. To save her
reputation, she lodged a false case of rape, against the
appellant. But the appellant was acquitted on the ground of
voluntarily consent.
* It was found that the door was not bolted from
* The prosecutrix did not give any bites to the
appellant and she did not push him aside, preventing him from
committing sexual intercourse. The sexual inter course took place
with the consent of the prosecutrix.
Bethala Samaya Vs State of A.P.1996 (3) Crimes 221 (HC).
The appellant accused, accosted the victim (a
married woman), in a garden at about 2.00 p.m. on 23 Aug 1989. He
dragged her to a place under a mango tree and raped her in the
presence of the victim's cousin sister, a child aged about 8 years.
The accused was acquitted because the court held that this was a
case of voluntary consent:
(a) The circumstances that lent support to the
suggestion by the defence that either the prosecutrix, knew the
appellant from before and had consented to the act, or that the act
had not taken place;
(b) If the accused were a stranger to the victim,
it would not be possible for her to take her father in law to meet
him and confront him with the offence.
It was observed in the judgment that "Evidence
of rape victims should normally be believed, but if there is an
inherent contradiction in the evidence and credibility of the
identification of accused was in question, conviction could not be
Surinder Kumar Vs State 1996 (3) Crimes 367 (Delhi HC)
Pushpa disclosed in her statement that she had
visited the market, along with Surinder Kumar. The appellant,
(Surinder Kumar) had purchased some gifts for her. She had accepted
the gifts. It was therefore difficult to believe that Pushpa was
being detained against her wishes at Ghaziabad. Rather, her
statement, read as a whole, leaves no doubt that force or compulsion
was not applied. Pushpa was not a minor and thus her consenting
behaviour assumed importance. The accused was acquitted.
Madan Lal Vs The State of Punjab 1997 (3) Crimes 210
On 15 January 1995 Madan Lal of Railway Department
told the prosecutrix that he was going, to Allahabad for training.
The prosecutrix expressed her desire to accompany him. On 8 Jan
1995, at about 6.30 p.m., the prosecutrix left her house giving the
excuse that she was going out to ease herself. She secretly took out
her suitcase. When she did not return, her mother, Surinder Kaur,
lodged a report with the police on 14 Jan 1995 on the basis of which
a formal F.I.R .was lodged u/s 363/366 IPC. During the process of
trial, Section 376 IPC also added. The accused was acquitted u/s 376
as the evidence of prosecutrix revealed that she had left her house
of her own without any invitation from the appellant. The
Hon"ble judge relied on the precedence set in the case of S.
Vardarajan, "where the minor left her father's protection
voluntarily, honouring, and having the capacity to know the full
impact of what she was doing. She joined Madan Lal, the accused. The
accused cannot be said to have taken her away from the keeping of
her lawful guardian. Something more has to be shown in a case of
this kind and that is some kind of inducement held out by the
accused person or an active participation by him in the formation of
the intention of the minor to leave the house of the guardian".
The fact of the prosecutrix accompanying the
appellant and living with him in one room was enough to infer that
she was a consenting party to the sexual intercourse.
Chinta alias Chint Ram Vs State of H.P. 1997 (4) Crimes
The prosecutrix went to see the Dushera festival
along with her friend. After attending the festival, while
returning, she entered the nearby forest to ease herself. According
to her statement, at that time, the appellant forcibly dragged her
to a nearby cave. He then had sexual intercourse with her twice in
the night. He further detained her for almost a month, taking her to
different places, sometime at his aunt's place. The accused was
acquitted on the following grounds:
The circumstances show that she was a consenting
party. This fact, coupled with other circumstances which were on the
record, it was clear that the prosecutrix was a consenting party.
She had not only accompanied him from place to place but she had had
sexual intercourse with mutual consent.
2. To save her reputation when caught red
The Rape law is most commonly misused when the boy
and the girl, are found in a compromising position by a third party
(which may be her mother or relative, or anyone known to the girl).
The girls often allege that they were raped in order to protect
their reputation. The following cases would illustrate this
observation. The following cases are taken from the recorded
judgments from different High Courts and also the Supreme Court.
Arun kumar Vs State of U.P. 1992 UP G R 190 at 191
It was alleged by Meena Kumari that she had been
raped in the waiting rooms of Lucknow and Delhi. Meena Kumari, on
the prosecution's own showing, had returned back within 6-days. The
Medical Officer had not found any injury on the private or any part
of Meena Kumari's body. In the medical report she was shown to have
been used to sexual intercourse. If the accused had indulged in
sexual intercourse with Meena Kumari against her wishes, during the
six days she was in the waiting rooms, the Medical Officer would
have found evidence of it on her person. The defence counsel's
argument that it was not possible for the accused to have sexual
intercourse in the public waiting rooms of Lucknow and Delhi carried
weight. The rape alleged by the prosecution between 15th July 1984
and 21st July 1984, could not be established, if the two at all
indulged in sex, it must have been continuing with the consent of
Meena Kumari. She was more than 17 years of age at the time of the
alleged rape; it could not be held that her consent was immaterial.
The accused was acquitted of the charge of rape under Section 376 of
the Indian Penal Code.
Biram Soren Vs State of West Bengal. 1992 Calcutta Crl. 378
at pp 384, 385 (Cal)
There was an interesting football match. Most of
the villager's were away to see the football match. Some of the
girl's relatives residing in her house also went to see the match.
Her parents had gone to the market. She was alone with the boy she
was in love with. It gave them an opportunity to have sex, which
they both wanted. So they had sex. She was afraid of her mother
discovering that she had had sexual intercourse, so she alleged that
she had been raped. A complaint was filed in the police station.
The fresh tear of hymen and the extensive
laceration of the vagina were due to the fact that this was her
first sexual intercourse. An absence of any other injury on any part
of the prosecutrix gave a lie to her statement that there was a
scuffle as a result of which the blouse, she was wearing, was torn.
Non-disclosure of the incident of sexual intercourses and the name
of the appellant at the earliest opportunity, even though she was
found conscious and talking to her parents on the way to the
hospital and the absence of any injury, such as nail marks on her
breasts, or scratches and abrasions on her thighs, buttocks, back
etc suggest consent.
The High Court was aware of the note of caution
sounded by the apex court in the case of "State of Maharashtra
Vs. Chandra Prakash". On the same basis, the court evaluated her
evidence, the Calcutta High Court shuddered at the injuries
sustained by the prosecutrix in her private parts and yet was
constrained to hold that it was not a case of rape and acquitted
the accused.
Sudharmay Nath alias Bachhu Vs State of W.B 1999 Cr.L.J. 4482
The appellant was a private tutor of the
prosecutrix, and secretly became physically close to her on assuring
her that he would marry her. She indulged in a sexual relationship
with the appellant. The girl became pregnant. When her pregnancy was
running into the third month, the girl's pregnancy could no longer
be kept a secret. On enquiry, she revealed the aforesaid facts. On
medical examination it was discovered that she was 17 to 19 years
old. It was held that it was not a case of rape, as there
was consent. The girl had full knowledge of the nature and the
implications of such an act. She was fully aware that the person
(accused) concerned was not yet her husband, even, if he had
proposed to marry her.
3. When the girl gets pregnant but the boy
refuses to marry her.
If a girl gets pregnant as a result of a sexual
relationship, to save her reputation either she herself, or her
family allege that she was a victim of rape.
There are certain cases, where there is a sexual
relationship between the accused and the prosecutrix. If the
prosecutrix conceives and the accused refuses to marry her, the
family members, as well as, the prosecutrix, rope him u/s 376, as
this section gives ultimate power to the women over the man. This is
quite evident in following cases.
M.C. Prasanan App. Vs State Respondent 1999 Cr.L.J. 998
The prosecutrix was a student of the appellant.
Consequently they became close to each other. They used to have
sexual intercourse. The prosecutrix believing that he would marry
her, continued her sexual relationship with the accused. Later the
accused refused to marry the prosecutrix. As a result the family and
the prosecutrix filed a case u/s 376. The case was filed 3 months
after the alleged incident, when the pregnancy of the prosecutrix
was visible. The girl was a minor and her consent cannot normally be
accepted. Since neither definite corroboration, nor evidence, was
available about the correct age of the girl, an acquittal was
granted because there was consent.
Jayanti Rani Panda Vs State 1984 (Crl.L.J. 1535 Calcutta)
"Where a full-grown girl consents to the act of
sexual intercourse on the promise of marriage and continues to
indulge in such an activity until she becomes pregnant, it is an act
of promiscuity on her part and not an act induced by misconception
of fact.
"This is a gross misuse of the Section 376 as it
was not approved by the parents of the girl. In the particular
situation of India the parents never digest that their daughter is
having a sexual relationship or love affair with a boy of the girls
choice so when they come to know about the alleged alliance
between the two, they force the girl to fabricate a case of Section
376. As according to this section the statement of the
prosecutrix under Sections 161 and 164 of evidence act is enough for
conviction of the accused, whether he is innocent or not."
A woman may have consented to have sex with some
ulterior motives in her mind. It is quite often to blackmail, and to
extort money. One cannot deny this fact that modernized, well
educated women or women with loose morals are perfectly capable of
crying rape falsely. Some times these women use the rape related
laws to take revenge. This is evident in cases of women who have
been seduced and later abandoned.
Mujia alias Mauji lal & others vs. State of M.P. 1998 2
Crimes 418
The man had won the Panchayat election. His
opponent made his wife file a false case of rape in retaliation. The
Honourable High Court acquitted the accused holding that "rape may
have been alleged" falsely.
Tapan Ghosh Vs State 1987 3 Crimes 108
The accused started a signature campaign asking the
prosecutrix and her family to vacate the premises in a railway
quarter, where they were staying unauthorisedly. The prosecutrix
filed a rape case against the accused and he was convicted. In the
appeal in the High Court the defence lawyer contended that this was
the reason for the charge of rape against the accused. A division
bench of the Calcutta High Court, while acquitting the accused on
his appeal against the conviction, observed, "no finding can be
arrived at on the basis of an isolated fact or proposition regarding
a particular course of conduct or behaviour pattern."
State Vs H s/o S (Handled by AAG) F.I.R. No.414/2000 u/s 376,
377, 382, 452, 506 IPC
4. When the girl elopes and marries the boy of
her choice against her parents' wishes
The parents coerce her into claiming she was raped,
and filing a complaint in the police station. The parents do not
approve of the boy because of differences in caste, creed and
religion or status. They use the loopholes in the law to take
Oroos Fatima alias Nisha and Another Vs Senior
Superintendent Of Police 1992 (3) Crimes 97 (SC).
In this case a Muslim girl married to a Jain boy.
The girl's family objected to this and they alleged rape. The
boy was acquitted on the grounds that the girl was a consenting
State Vs A R s/o I (Handled by AAG) F.I.R. No.323/99 u/s 366,
376, 34 IPC P.S. Pahar Ganj
Please see page 23, first para for details.
State Vs. V S/O A. Singh.(Handled by AAG) F.I.R NO. 8/98 u/s
363,366, 376 IPC P.S. Nangloi
A Muslim girl aged about 20 years and a Hindu boy
decided to get married in spite of the objection from the girl's
father. The father, it appears, used to maltreat the girl. A year
after registration of FIR by the father, the girl went back to meet
him. He promptly complained to the police at the police station at
Nangloi. He coerced his daughter into making a false complaint of
rape On the basis of investigations and the same statement made by
her under Section 164 before a Magistrate, the prosecution laid
charges of Kidnapping (363), Kidnapping with intention to marry
(366) and rape (376). The ossification test of the prosecutrix
showed her age to be 20 years. After the charge sheet was filed
for prosecution and the case was committed to the court of sessions,
charges under relevant Sections of the Penal Code were framed
against the accused. The marriage between the couple was performed
under civil law and the prosecutrix was in communication with her
accused husband during his incarceration in jail. After almost one
year, the trial court acquitted the accused holding that "the
prosecution has miserably failed to bring home guilt of the
accused". The accused had to remain in jail without bail during
this time. His wife had to fend for herself alone till her Husband
was let off from the Case. The couple is facing difficult times to
adjust in the society because of the stigma attached due to the
husband's yearlong stay in jail.
Cases of Alleged Rape taken up by AAG
Our findings from the cases from the jails, handled
by us support the view that when there is misuse of the rape related
laws, the reasons are usually the same as mentioned in the previous
Of the cases handled by AAG, some of the accused
have been bailed out. Some have been acquitted. In some cases,
trials are still in progress. On examining the details of these
cases, (Challan, statements made before the police and later before
the Judge etc. and the evidence of the witnesses), it becomes
evident that the accused were innocent. The anecdotal accounts of
the cases are given below:
1. State Vs. R S/O R. FIR No. 582/97 u/s
363/366/376 IPC Police Stn. Pahar Ganj. Judicial Custody-17th
October 1997
Ram Kewal eloped with Sudha to his native village
in Uttar Pradesh. There, the prosecutrix and the accused got
married in the Court in front of the Registrar. On
11th September 1997; the father of the girl lodged
a report that the accused kidnapped his daughter Sudha. In her
statement to the IO, The girl stated that the accused had kidnapped
her, and had sexual intercourse with her. In her statement before
the Magistrate u/s 164 Cr.P.C., she retracted her statement made
before the police, and stated that she had gone willingly with the
accused, with the intention of marrying him. The ossification test
showed her age between 16-18 years, the court considered the age of
the prosecutrix as 18 years and acquitted the accused.
2. State Vs R. Singh, F.I.R No.52/2000, U/S
363/376 IPC, Police Station _ Narela, Judicial Custody-19th January
On 22nd May 2000, the accused was arrested from
village Raipur, District Badanyun, U.P.
As alleged by the prosecution, the father of the
prosecutrix, Devenath lodged a missing person's report with the
police. Ramshila was working in Samarth Sanstha, Shahbad, Delhi. He
further stated that one madam Rajesh might have enticed and taken
her somewhere. The prosecutrix was recovered from the accused's
house at Badanyun. When the prosecutrix was medically examined she
stated her age was 19 years. According to the Doctor's opinion
the prosecutrix was in the habit of having sexual intercourse
and the hymen had been torn, long ago. In the statement of the
prosecutrix made u/s 164 of Cr.P.C. in front of the MM she
specifically stated that she was in love with the accused and
wanted to marry him. That was why she went with him willingly and
that the accused was innocent.
The statement made u/s 164 Cr.P.C. and the MLC
report of the prosecutrix proves that she was in love with the
accused and she wanted to marry him and had eloped with him
willingly. This proves that she was a consenting party. It was
evident from the facts of the case that the father of the girl
falsely implicated the accused in this case.
3. State vs. V., FIR No. 70/2000 P.S. Anand
Parbat U/S 363/376. IPC. Judicial Custody-25th July 2000
On 17th March 2000 the complainant, the father of
the prosecutrix lodged an FIR stating that his daughter aged about
16 yrs. was missing since 16th March 2000. The complainant suspected
that the accused was responsible for the disappearance of his
daughter. On 25th July 2000 the prosecutrix was recovered and the
accused was arrested. In her statement u/s 164 of the Cr.P.C the
prosecutrix stated that she knew the accused for the last four years
and she was in love with him. She further stated that when she told
her family about her relationship with the accused and that she
wanted to marry him, her mother got agitated and refused to give
approval for this marriage. The prosecutrix told her mother that she
could not live without the accused and one day she would run away
from the house. On 16th March 2000, she followed the accused but the
accused refused to take her along with him and suggested her to go
back to her house. She refused this and said that she would commit
suicide. He then took the prosecutrix to his home, where his brother
also stated the same thing to her but she refused to go back to her
family. They got married in the court and at the time of the arrest,
she was expecting their first baby. The police just ignored the
statement she had made and arrested Vijay u/s 376/363.
4. State vs. R. Kumar, FIR. No 401/2000 P.S.
Adarsh Nagar. U/S. 363/376 IPC. in Judicial Custody
On 7th August 2000, the complainant, the father of
the prosecutrix, lodged a missing report that his daughter aged
about 17 years was missing since 3rd August 2000. On the 15th of
August 2000 the FIR was registered stating that the accused had
kidnapped the girl. On 19th August 2000 the prosecutrix was
recovered and the accused was arrested. The statement of the
prosecutrix U/S 164 of the Cr.P.C stated clearly that she had gone
with the accused on her own, and that she had married him. The
ossification test of the prosecutrix showed that the prosecutrix age
was between 18-years to 20-years. The accused was discharged
from the court of Additional Session Judge on 20th February 2001.
5. State Vs P. P., F.I.R No.333/1999, U/S
363/366/376 IPC, Police Station _ Sarai Rohilla Judicial
Custody-10th May 2000
On 13th August 1999 the prosecutrix, aged about 17
years, accompanied the accused to Ghaziabad and from there to
In her statement u/s 161 of Cr.P.C. in the presence
of the Investigating Officer, she alleged that she was allured by
the accused on the pretext of marriage and raped by him at Baroni.
In her statement u/s 164 of Cr.P.C., in the presence of the
Metropolitan Magistrate, she stated that she left the house on her
own and accompanied the accused so that they could get married.
However, this did not happen because the boy was arrested before
they could get married. Considering her age and her statement in
the court the learned session Judge acquitted the accused after a
protracted trial of 2 years.
6. State vs. D. S., F.I.R. No. 698/1997, U/S
363/366/376 IPC, Police Station _ Rajouri Garden, Judicial
Custody-7th September-15th May 2001
On 6th Aug. 1997,a DD No. 20 a missing person's
report about Ms. Anita Chauhan aged about 16 yrs was registered in
the Police Station of Rajouri Garden, by her mother Mrs. Parveen
Chauhan. On 7th Sept. 1997, the girl was recovered from Janak Puri.
She made her statement U/S 161 and 164 of the Cr.P.C. that she was
raped. Between 5th August and 7th Sep. 1997 the girl went to various
places by public transport with the accused, and she had sex with
him. As per MLC Report there was no external injury on the body of
the prosecutrix. The hymen was torn much earlier, and the vagina
admitted two fingers easily. The ossification test of the
prosecutrix could not be performed because the prosecutrix was
pregnant. After about 3 years 8 months of protracted trial
the accused was acquitted and released from the custody on 15th May
During this period of the trial, not a single
prosecution witness, including the prosecutrix, ever came to the
witness box, despite several warrants issued to them through the
concerned police station.
7. State Vs A. R., F.I.R
No.323/99, U/S 366/376/34 IPC, Police Station - Paharganj
On 8th August 1999, the accused was arrested from
Rajdhani Palace Hotel at Paharganj. As per the prosecution the
accused kidnapped the girl and kept her in confinement in the Hotel
and raped her there. In her statement the prosecutrix had stated
that she was in love with the accused and had lodged the case
against the petitioner, due to the arrogant nature of the accused.
She wanted to marry the petitioner but he had refused to marry
her. So she had filed an F.I.R alleging Rape. In her affidavit
she stated that whatever was stated by her in the F.I.R was
false. She added that she was making the affidavit without any
pressure and coercion from anybody. The parents of the prosecutrix
have also given their free consent for her marriage with the
accused (petitioner). The prosecutrix did not want to continue the
case against the accused any further.
8. State vs. H., F.I.R.No. 414/2000 P.S.-Samai
Pur Badli U/S 452/376/377/ 382/506. Court of Urmila Rani.
Judicial Custody- 3rd July 2000
On 1st July 2000,the prosecutrix lodged an FIR
against the accused that at about 3.30 the accused, who was her
neighbour, came and knocked at the door of her house. At that time,
the prosecutrix was sleeping with her children. She opened the door
and the accused took her to another room of her house there he
undressed her and started having sex with her. While leaving the
house the accused took Rs.18000/- and a gold chain along with him,
and threatened the prosecutrix that if she disclosed any thing
regarding the incident, then he will kill her. After her statement,
the prosecutrix was medically examined. The accused was arrested. On
8th May 2001 the prosecutrix was examined in the court where she
turned hostile. She was ready to give the correct information on
condition that the accused would marry her after getting bail. The
prosecutrix had already taken an affidavit from the accused, which
stated that if the accused did not marry her then the accused would
have to pay Rs. 2 Lakhs to her as compensation. The Defence counsel
alleged that the prosecutrix was having an extra marital affair with
the accused and that she had visited many places outside Delhi
with the accused, for 12-15 days. The accused had, in his
possession, about 50 Love letters written by the prosecutrix to him.
After the accused was released, he has neither met
the prosecutrix, nor fulfilled any of the conditions that were
stated in the affidavit. The prosecutrix is now threatening the
family members of the accused. She has also approached the police
for registering an FIR under section 420 IPC against the
accused. However the police have so far declined to do so.
9. State vs. G. S. S/o B. M., F.I.R.No.175/98.
U/S363/376 IPC Police Station-Vikas Puri, Judicial Custody- 20th
March 1998
On 4th March 98, the accused eloped with a girl
named Anju, aged about 15 years. The prosecutrix went to Sita Puri
along with the accused. From Sita Puri, she went to Ghaziabad in a
bus. She reached Ghaziabad at about 5 to 6 p.m. It was alleged in
the FIR that she was there for about 10-12 days in a room where the
accused had sexual intercourse with
her. The prosecution did not place any Birth
Certificate of the prosecutrix issued by MCD or by any other
authority. No ossification test report has been placed on record,
although the doctor asked for the same. The journey of the
prosecutrix along with the accused to different public places and
the silence on the part of the prosecutrix without, any evidence of
threat, or coercion proves the consent of the prosecutrix for the
sexual intercourse. The trial is still in progress.
If the court considers the age of the prosecutrix
as less than 16 yrs. on the basis of an oral statement, then the
accused will be convicted. However if the court will consider the
age of the prosecutrix more than 16-yrs, the accused will be
acquitted. The fate of the accused depends on the consideration of
facts by the Court.
10. State Vs J. S/o B. D., F.I.R No.579/96, U/S
376/34 IPC, Police Station _ Samaipur Badly, Court Urmila
Rani, TH Judicial Custody- 2nd August 1996
The prosecution case has alleged that on the night
of 30th, 31st July 1996 at about 1 am., the accused, Jagdish along
with Mewa Lal and Somnath knocked at the door of the Khokha (Kiosk).
They asked the prosecutrix to open the door. The prosecutrix, who
was sleeping in the Khokha, along with her three children opened the
door for the accused. Jagdish asked her to let him do "something
bad" with her. She refused to do so. Then the accused Somnath caught
hold of her legs and Mewa Lal gagged her mouth and Jagdish raped
her, against her will.
The prosecutrix and the accused Jagdish were
medically examined. There was no mark of injury on the body of the
prosecutrix. On examination of the accused Jagdish, it was found
that there was hyper pigment of the penis and he was suffering from
phemosis, because of which, the prepuce cannot retract. The Doctor
opined that the phemosis appears to be evidence of a chronic
infection and as per medical jurisprudence a person suffering
from chronic phemosis is unable to have sexual intercourse for the
simple reason that the person will experience great pain. In this
case the Doctor had not opined that the accused Jagdish was able to
do the sexual intercourse. In the absence of such opinion, and
considering the diagnosis of phemosis given by the doctor in respect
of the accused, the oral testimony of the prosecutrix alleging that
overt act had been committed by the accused cannot stand. (Trial
in progress).
11. State Vs G., F.I.R No.224/2000 U/S
363/366/368/376/120B IPC, Police Station _ Rajouri Garden. Court
of Deepa Sharma, Judicial Custody- 12th October1999
On 6th March 2000 the prosecutrix aged about 14
years had gone to market in the evening and met the accused Gopal in
the market. It was alleged in the complaint that the accused Gopal
lured her, and took her to Old Delhi Railway Station. In the
night they boarded a train for Darbhanga. It was further alleged
that after two days journey in the train she reached Darbhanga and
got married to the accused in a temple as well as in the Court,
it was also alleged that the Bhabhi of the accused abetted the
As per the ossification test, the age of the
prosecutrix was opined between 15 years to 17 years the MLC of the
prosecutrix shows no sign of any external injury considering the
facts and circumstances of the case. The prosecutrix was a
consenting party and as per medical jurisprudence, the age of the
prosecutrix can be taken one or two years up or down. The trial
is still in progress
12. State Vs J. G. S/o B.N. G., F.I.R 258/2000,
U/S 363/366/376 IPC, Police Station _ Karol Bagh, Court Urmila
Rani, Judicial Custody_ 10th September 2000
On 25th July 2000, the prosecutrix accompanied the
accused to Bombay to marry him as she was in love with him. In
Bombay the accused met his friend Saiful for help, but after knowing
that his friend Saiful wanted to sell the prosecutrix, the accused,
wanting to save the girl, brought her to Delhi. In her statement
under section 164, she asserted that she was in love with the
accused and had eloped with the accused. Earlier, before eloping,
when the accused informed the girl's mother about their
relationship, and asked permission to marry the girl, she (the
mother) did not give her approval for their marriage. As a result
they ran away from the house. As per the MLC report the prosecutrix
was 17 years old and she confessed to the Doctor that she ran away
with the accused (boyfriend), voluntarily, on 25th July 2000. She
returned home on 10th September 2000 She also told the Doctor that
the accused had never used force in their sexual relationship.
The accused was granted bail but he could not get
out on bail, as he had no one in Delhi to stand surety for him.
The charges are yet to be framed. On 17th July 2001 the accused
was discharged.
13. State vs. R., F.I.R 221/99 P.S. Vikas Puri
U/S 376 / 511 IPC, Judicial Custody_ 20th May 1999_4th May
The prosecution alleged that on 19th May 99 after
filing a report vide DD No.3A; the police went to the house No.A-26,
New Krishna Park where 3 persons produced the accused. It was
alleged that the accused had tried to do "the wrong act" with the
prosecutrix. The prosecutrix was medically examined and her
statement was also recorded under section 164 Cr.P.C.
In the last two years there is only one witness Dr.
Sonia Kaur, whose statement discloses that there was no evidence of
any sexual assault on the body of the prosecutrix. Dr. Sonia Kaur
has categorically stated that there was no external injury on the
body of the prosecutrix, she further stated that the vulva and
vagina of the prosecutrix were found healthy and on separation of
vulva / labia minor, the hymen was seen to be intact and there was
no bleeding per vaginum seen. There was no discharge per vaginum,
and no other injury on the whole body was found. No Gynaecological
intervention was required in the case of the patient. The
prosecutrix did not complain of any offence U/S 376 / 511 IPC. In
her statement before the magistrate under section 164 Cr.P.C. Nor
was it alleged that the accused had done any thing to outrage the
modesty of the prosecutrix. In her statement the prosecutrix did not
utter a word about sexual intercourse. The matter is still
pending in the court.
This research has been carried out with the sole
intention of examining facts and seeing whether there is any scope
of misuse of the laws. If misuse is possible, what are the reasons
for the misuse? Also, who misuses the law and why? What are the
advantages to the police to insert section 376 in the FIR or in
the Charge sheet especially when there is no complaint of rape, but
only of kidnapping for the purpose of marrying the girl?
We are not presenting this paper to "lobby" for one
cause against the other but to invite attention towards those
problem areas in our legal system that are difficult to tackle and
often get caught in controversy. By means of open, meaningful and
honest discussions alone, progress for betterment is possible.
Through such means, we invite you to look at the grave problem areas
in our legal system.
We invite you to see whether it is possible to
accept whether misuse of the rape related laws, including
procedural laws is taking place. If we accept that it is taking
place, we invite your recommendations to prevent this. We invite
your recommendations on what provisions can be inserted in the
existing law, which help the genuine victim without harming an
innocent person who is being falsely accused.
We request your recommendations for some deterrent
provisions against wrongful complaints. Should some penal clauses be
added? If so what? Then there is the question of compensation to the
innocent accused for his loss of position in society, defamation of
his character, loss of his job and the number of years spent in
wrongful confinement. Should it not be included in the same law so
that the poor, ignorant segments of society who have suffered are
compensated to the extent possible without having to run for help to
the lawyers?
If the police inserts a charge of rape in the FIR
without adequate evidence, should it also need to be accountable and
be liable to pay damages to the accused whose case has been
discharged or who has been acquitted?
1. Indian Criminal Law Amendment Act (X of
1891): The age limit was raised from ten to twelve years by the
Indian Criminal Law Amendment Act (X of 1891) for the following
reasons: "The limit at which the age of consent is now fixed (i.e.
ten years) favours the premature consumption by adult
husbands of marriages with children who have not reached the age of
puberty, and is thus, in the unanimous opinion of medical
authorities, productive of grievous sufferings and permanent injury
to child-wives and of physical deterioration in the community to
which they belong"
(Statement of Objects and Reasons to bill No. 3 of
1891, Gazette of India, 1891, Part V, p 5).
2. Indian Penal Code (Amendments) Act (XXIX of
1925), s.2: It was raised from twelve to fourteen years
in clause (5) and to thirteen in the Exception to the section by the
Indian Penal Code (Amendments) Act (XXIX of 1925), s.2 for the
following reasons: "Books of medical jurisprudence establish the
fact that the age of puberty in India is attained by a girl upon her
reaching the age of fourteen. Even though puberty may be reached at
the age, it is obvious that girls are unfit for sexual cohabitation
till they are older and more developed in physique and strength.
The appalling infant mortality in the country is partially ascribed
to early marriages and the consummation, which follows with immature
girls. It is, therefore, not only for the protection of minor
girls as also of their progeny that the age of consent should be
raised to at least fourteen years."
(Statement of Objects and Reasons to bill No. 12 of
1924, Gazette of India)
I. By raising this limit female children are
protected (a) from premature cohabitation, and (b) from immature
(Vide Hurree Mohun Mythee [1890] 18 Cal 49).
II. Code of Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Act,
1949 (Act XLII of 1949): The age limit has now been raised to
sixteen years in clause (5) and to fifteen years in the
exception by the Code of Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Act, 1949
(Act XLII of 1949).
III. Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 1983 (43 of
1983): Section 375 and 376 were substituted in their present
form by the Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 1983 (43 of 1983)
i.e. 25th December 1983.
The Definition of Rape
Rape: The following is the description as
given in Section 375 of the Penal Code, which defines the offence of
rape. The Section is reproduced below: A man is said to commit
"rape" who except in the cases hereinafter excepted, has sexual
intercourse with a women under circumstances falling under any of
the six:
First - Against her will.
Secondly - Without her consent
Thirdly - With her consent, when her consent has
been obtained by putting her or any person in whom she is interested
in the fear of death or of hurt.
Fourthly - With her consent, when the man knows
that he is not her Husband, and that her consent is given because
she believes that he is another man to whom she is or believes
herself to be lawfully married.
Fifthly - With her consent, when at the time of
giving such consent by reason of unsoundness of mind or intoxication
or the administration by him personally or through another of any
stupefying or unwholesome substance, she is unable to understand the
nature and consequences of that to which she gives consent.
Sixthly - With or without her consent, when she is
under sixteen years of age.
Explanation: Penetration is sufficient to
constitute the sexual intercourse necessary to the offence of rape.
Clearly as defined above, `rape' involves sexual intercourse,
done by man with a woman. When a woman is below 16 years of
age, the offence, as a rule, is complete irrespective of her
SECTION 376 _ Punishment for Rape
1. Whoever, except in the case provided for by
sub-section (2), commits rape shall be punished with imprisonment of
either description for a term which shall not be less than seven
years but which may be for life or for a term which may extend to
ten years and shall also be liable to fine unless the woman raped is
his own wife and is not under twelve years of age, in which case, he
shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term
which may extend to two years or with fine or with both.
Provided that the court may, for adequate and
special reasons to be mentioned in the judgement, impose a sentence
of imprisonment for a term of less than seven years.
2. Whoever _
(a) Being a police officer commits rape _
i. Within the limit of the police station to which
he is appointed; or
ii. In the premises of any station house whether or
not situated in the police station in which he is appointed; or
iii. On a woman in his custody or in the custody of
a police officer subordinate to him; or
(b) Being a public servant takes advantage of his
official position and commits rape on a woman in his custody as such
public servant or in the custody of a public servant subordinate to
him; or
(c) Being on the management or on the staff of a
jail, remand home or other place of custody established by or under
any law for the time being in force or of a woman's or children's
institution takes advantage of his official position and commits
rape on any inmate of such jail, remand home, place or
institution; or
(d) Being on the management or on the staff of a
hospital takes advantage of his official position and commits rape
on a woman in that hospital; or
(e) Commits rape on a woman knowing her to be
pregnant; or
(f) Commits rape on a woman when she is under
twelve years of age; or
(g) Commits gang rape, shall be punished with
rigorous imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than ten
years but which may be for life and shall also be liable to fine:
Provided that the court may, for adequate and
special reasons to be mentioned in the judgement, impose a sentence
of imprisonment of either description for a term of less than ten
Explanation 1: Where a woman is raped
by one or more in a group of persons acting in furtherance of their
common intention, each of the persons shall be deemed to have
committed gang rape within the meaning of this sub-section.
Explanation 2: "Women's or children's
institution" means an institution, whether called an orphanage or a
home for neglected women or children or a widow's home or by any
other name, which is established and maintained for the reception
and care of women or children.
Explanation 3: "Hospital"
means the precincts of the hospital and includes the precincts of
any institution for the reception and treatment of persons during
convalescence or of persons requiring medical attention or
Section - 376A Intercourse by a man with his
wife during separation
Whoever has sexual intercourse with his own wife,
who is living separately from him under a decree of separation or
under any custom or usage without her consent shall be punished with
imprisonment of either description for a term that may extend to two
years and shall also be liable to fine.
Section - 376B Intercourse by public servant
with woman in his custody
Whoever, being a public servant, takes advantage of
his official position and induces or seduces, any woman, who is in
his custody as such public servant or in the custody of a public
servant subordinate to him, to have sexual intercourse with him,
such sexual intercourse not amounting to the offence of rape, shall
be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which
may extend to five years and shall also be liable to fine.
Section - 376C Intercourse by Superintendent
of Jail, Remand Home etc.
Whoever, being the superintendent or manager of a
jail, remand home or other place or custody established by or under
any law for the time being in force or of a women's or children's
institution takes advantage of his official position and induces or
seduces any female inmate of such jail, remand home, place or
institution to have sexual intercourse with him, such sexual
intercourse not amounting to the offence of rape, shall be punished
with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend
to five years and shall also be liable to fine.
Section - 376D Intercourse by any member of
the management or staff of a Hospital with any woman in that
Whoever, being on the management of a hospital or
being on the staff of a hospital takes advantage of his position and
has sexual intercourse with any woman in that hospital,
such sexual intercourse not amounting to offence of
rape, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for
a term which may extend to five years and shall also be liable to
Explanation: The expression "hospital" shall
have the same meaning as in Explanation 3 to sub- section (2) of
section 376
What Constitutes Sexual Intercourse?
Some penetration, however, slight, is sufficient to
constitute the Sexual Intercourse necessary to the offence of rape.
The degree of penetration is immaterial. It is essential that the
hymen should be ruptured, or that there should be emission of semen.
Without some penetration there can be no rape, though the act may
amount to an attempt to rape. Penetration is very difficult to
prove in the case of a married woman. A woman may get injured in
her private parts and can allege that she has been raped. This
makes false accusation easy because it is very hard for the
so-called accused to prove that he never had sexual contact with the
Against her Will
Will is that faculty or power of the mind by which
we determine either to do or not to do something. It implies
consciousness, cognition & mental determination. Sexual
intercourse done with a woman against her wishes when she has full
capability to give her consent and is aware of the nature and
consequences of the act being done to
her resist or objects this amounts to `sexual
intercourse against her will' and is rape u/s 375
IPC. Without her Consent
The question of consent is the most important
aspect to establish the offence of rape. Consent may be expressed or
implied. These are where circumstantial sexual intercourse amounts
to rape when she is insensible and incapable of rational consent,
due to fear, shock or intoxication or any other cause. If a woman
does not resist sexual intercourse due to her misapprehension, it
cannot be concluded that she has given consent. An act of helpless
resignation and submission of her body under the influence of fear
or terror is no consent. From the point of view of consent the
following points are taken into consideration in a rape case:
* Consent given by a girl below the statutory age
limit is not considered as a valid consent,
* Consent of the woman should have been obtained
before the sexual intercourse and not after,
* Sexual intercourse with a woman of unsound mind
is also rape because she is incapable of giving consent,
* Consent obtained by threat of death or hurt to
herself or any other person in whom she is interested, or by
deception is not a valid consent,
* A sleeping woman is not capable of giving her
consent, so any sexual intercourse by a man with a sleeping woman,
who is not his wife is considered as rape,
* Consent given by an intoxicated woman is not a
valid consent,
* Consent obtained by fraud is not a valid consent;
like in the case of R v/s Cox (D.C.223) in this case a
girl of 14 years consulted a physician for suppressed menstruation.
He had intercourse with her stating that it was a part of treatment.
He was convicted for the offence of rape.
There is a difference between submission and
consent. Every consent, involves a submission but a mere act of
submission does not involve consent.
So, a woman after having consented to sex can
allege that that person has raped her and that she was not a
consenting party for the alleged act.
U/S 228A IPC amended by Cr. Law
Amendment Act, 1983: Disclosure of identity of the victim of
rape is prohibited.
Clause-1: whoever prints or publishes
the name or any matter which may make known the identity of any
person against whom an offence u/s 375, 376A, B, C and D is
alleged or found to have been committed shall be punished with
imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to 2
years and shall also be liable to fine.
Related Provisions of Law Dealt along with Rape Laws
The Section 161 of the Criminal Procedure Code
defines the statement before the Investigation Officer.
Section 161 - Examination of witnesses by
1. Any Police Officer making an investigation under
this Chapter, or any Police Officer not below such rank as the state
govt. may, by general or special order prescribe in this behalf,
acting on the requisition of such officer, may examine orally any
person supposed to be acquainted with the facts and circumstances of
the case.
2. Such person shall be bound to answer truthfully,
all questions relating to such
a case put to him by such officer, other than
questions the answers to which would have a tendency to expose
him to a criminal charge or to a penalty or forfeiture. 3.
The Police Officer may reduce into writing any statement made to him
in the
course of an examination under this section; and if
he does so, he shall make a separate and true record of the
statement of each such person whose statement he records.
Section 164 _ Recording of confessions and Statements
1. Any Metropolitan Magistrate may, whether or not
he has jurisdiction in
the case, record any confession or statement made
to him in the course of an investigation under this Chapter or
under any other law for the time being in force, or at any time
afterwards before the commencement of the inquiry or trial:
Provided that no confession shall be recorded by a Police
Officer on whom any power of a Magistrate has been conferred under
any law for the time being in force.
2. The Magistrate shall, before recording any such
confession, explain to the person making it that he is not bound to
make a confession and the Magistrate shall not record such a
confession unless, upon requesting the person making it, has he
reason to believe that it is being made voluntarily.
3. If at any time before the confession is
recorded, the person appearing before the Magistrate states that he
is not willing to make the confession the Magistrate shall not
authorize the detention of such a person in police custody.
4. Any such confession shall be recorded in the
manner provided in Section 281 for recording the examination of an
accused person and shall be signed by the person making the
confession; and the Magistrate shall make a memorandum at the foot
of such records to the following effect: "have explained to (name)
that he is not bound to make a confession and that, if he does so,
any confession he may make be used as evidence against him and I
believe that this confession was voluntarily made. It was taken in
my presence and hearing and was read over to the person making it
and admitted by him to be correct, and it contains a full and true
account of the statement made by him.
5. Any statement (other than confession) made under
sub-section (1) shall be recorded in such manner hereinafter
provided for the recording of evidence as is, in the opinion of the
Magistrate, best fitted to the circumstances of the case; and the
Magistrate shall have power to administer the oath to the person
whose statement is so recorded.
6. The Magistrate recording a confession or
statement under this section shall forward it to the Magistrate by
whom the case is to be inquired into or tried.
Provided further that the court may also direct
that a person referred to in clause (ii) be released on bail if it
is satisfied that it is just and proper so to do for any other
special reason:
Provided also that the mere fact that an accused
person may be required
for being identified by witnesses during
investigation shall not be sufficient ground for refusing to
grant bail if he is otherwise entitled to be released on bail
and gives an undertaking that he shall comply with such
directions as may be given by the Court.
Section 114A _ Indian Evidence Act
Presumption as to the absence of consent in certain
prosecutions for rape: In a prosecution for rape under clause (a) or
clause (b) or clause (c) (d) (e) (g) of sub-section (2) of section
376 of the Indian Penal Code, where sexual intercourse by the
accused is proved and the question is whether it was without the
consent of the woman alleged to have been raped and she states in
her evidence before the court that she did not consent, the court
shall presume that she did not consent.
The Supreme Court in its judgement in
Bharwada Bhoginbhai Hirjibhai Vs State of
Gujarat (SC) Crime (2) VII 1983
Cited 8 reasons why a woman might misuse the rape
related laws against a man in western society. The 8 reasons are _
"1. The female may be a `gold digger' and may well
have an economic motive- to extract money by holding out the gun of
prosecution or public exposure.
2. She may be suffering from psychological neurosis
and may seek an escape from the neurotic prison by phantasizing or
imagining a situation where she is desired, wanted, and chased by
3. She may want to wreak vengeance on the male for
real or imaginary wrongs. She may have a grudge against a particular
male, or males in general, and may have the design to square the
4. She may have been induced to do so in
consideration of economic rewards, by a interested in placing the
accused in a compromising or embarrassing position, on account of
personal or political vendetta.
5. She may do so to gain notoriety or publicity or
to appease her own ego or to satisfy her feeling of self-importance
in the context of her inferiority complex.
6. She may do so on account of jealousy.
7. She may do so to win sympathy of others.
8. She may do so upon being repulsed."
The Names of the Participants at the
Rape Workshop
1. Mr. Jes Boye Moller (Chief Guest)
Charge-de-Affairs Royal Danish Embassy 11, Aurangzeb
Road New Delhi-110001 2. Mr. Peter Ellehoj
Secretary Development Royal Danish Embassy 11, Aurangzeb
Road New Delhi-110001 3. Ms. Gita
12/15(FF),Tilak Ngr. New Delhi-110018 Phone: 5104157 4.
Ms. Sinchita V. Bhattacharya (Con.Clinical Psychologist)
Samvedna Psychiatric Clinic S-325 GK-2, New Delhi-110048 Phone
: 6471990, 6943121 5. ACP Jai Singh
CAW Cell,Nanak Pura Phone: 6880393 6. Insp. Parmar
CAW Cell,Nanak Pura Phone: 6883767 7. Dr. Indu Prakash
Dirctor, AAA Phone: 6011072 8. Mr. Thomas
Chiristian Aid Phone: 6153651
9. Mr. Puneet Bhatnagar (Advocate)
Delhi High Court
Phone : 98100-89224 10. Mr. Rakesh Sinha
(Advocate) Delhi High Cour
Phone: 5911291 11. Ms. Lalitha S.A. Asst. Dir.JWP
14-Jangpura-B New Delhi-110014 Phone: 4319821 12. Mr.
Gupta R.K.Instt. Def. Coly.
New Delhi-1100 Phone: 4623945 13. Mr. Raj Mangal
Prasad Prog. Incharge, APD
Shakar Pur (police Station) New Delhi-1100 Phone:
2227259 14. Ms. Suneel Sodhi B-3/4, Vasant Vihar
New Delhi-110057 Phone: 15. Mr. Anurag Sain AAG
Phone: 2150613 16. Ms.Veena Sareen Social Worker
Caw Cell, Nanak Pura Phone: 5744276
17. Ms. Ira Singh
Phone: 6522206 18. Mr. Rono Mohanty (Advocate)
Delhi High Court Phone: 4350393 19. Mr. Ajay
86-A, Shahpur Jat New Delhi-110049 Phone: 6494886
20. Ms. Sujata Madhok 473 Shanti Niketan
New Delhi-110021 Phone: 4106266 21. Ms. Vibha
Defence Colony
New Delhi-110049 Phone: 22. Mr. D.K. Roy Phone:
23. Mr. Romesh Sapra Phone: 9810287882
Report on the Workshop to Review Rape Related
Laws to See Whether they are being ABUSED
AIDS Awareness Group (AAG) started working in Tihar
Jail with effect from 8th June 1996. We began with sessions on AIDS
Awareness in the wards in various jails. However, when many
prisoners began requesting for legal help, AAG added Free Legal aid
to its agenda. We started providing free legal aid in 1996 after
finding some lawyers who were willing to volunteer time for this
During the course of free legal aid, we discovered
that many persons, who were in judicial custody on a charge for
rape, were actually legally married to the girl with mutual consent,
but against the wishes of the girl's parents. There were others who
had had consensual sex with a woman after paying her a mutually
agreed sum of money. In some cases the woman tried to make extra
money by blackmailing them, demanding a large sum of money. When the
men refused to pay, the woman filed a complaint of rape.
There were also some cases where the girl went with
the boy of her own volition, eloping with him and having consensual
sex, When she returned home, her parents filed a complaint with the
Police of kidnapping and rape of their daughter (under sections 363
and 376 of the Indian Penal Code), and got the boy arrested and
placed in judicial custody on a rape and kidnapping charge.
Coming across such cases made AAG's field workers
realised that all was not right with the way the laws were being
applied, if so many persons were behind bars for a crime they had
not committed.
With this realisation AAG took up a project for
research and investigation of rape and dowry related laws to
investigate what was happening, and if they were being misapplied or
abused. After three years research we were able to document 35 of
our own cases
where it was clear that the laws had been
misapplied or abused. In addition we
researched all Supreme Court and High Court
judgements and found 3 Supreme Court and 30 High Court cases where
these courts had acquitted the appellants having found them not
guilty. Since most of the cases Under Section 376 (rape), end at
the Sessions courts, and since these are not reported in the law
journals, AAG had requested the Delhi High Court for permission to
access the files of the concluded rape cases so that a larger
number. of cases could be studied. Unfortunately permission was not
given and so we had to restrict the study to the reported cases plus
the cases dealt with by AAG.
Proceedings at the Workshop
Initially there were some apprehensions among some
of the participants that AAG's objective was to get the law amended
and major changes in the law brought in, which would mean
difficulties for the genuine rape victim. We reassured the
participants that we are very strongly of the view that a real
rapist should be punished after the due process of law. But we
are equally interested in ensuring that an innocent person is
not charged for rape and incarcerated in jail for a crime he
has not committed. This research was undertaken to see whether the
rape related laws were actually being abused; and if they were, then
what could be done to prevent abuse of these laws without harming
the interest of the actual victims of rape.
After understanding AAG's terms of reference for
the workshop, these participants calmed down and participated
actively, and constructively, and made some very good
Some Reasons Why the Rape laws are abused or
During the discussions some of the reasons why the
rape law (Section 376) is invoked inappropriately, were brought out.
These are given below:
1. By the girl/prosecutrix
a. When she is discovered in the act of consensual
sex trying to save herself and her reputation.
b. Filing a complaint of rape with the police when
the man/men refuse to pay additional blackmail money after making
prior payment and then having consensual sex.
c. When the girl gets pregnant after having sex
with the man but he refuses to
marry her,
d. When the girl has sex with the man only on the
explicit condition that he agrees to marry her, but he refuses to do
so after having had sex. 2. By the parents
a. The girl elopes and marries a boy against the
parent's wishes. The parents had objected because of
* Different caste or religion
* Different economic status
* They think he is not suitable _not of good
character, or that they think that he will treat her badly.
* The reason that they don't like him.
b. The girl has been kidnapped for ransom. The
police or the lawyer advises them to add the complaint of rape which
is a cognisable non-bailable offence and so that the man can be put
behind bars in judicial custody.
3. By the Police
When the police was not able to prove a case of
murder of a girl, in one case, they
planted the semen of the man and then filed a case
of rape and murder (u/s 376
and 302) 4. By a conniving family or
persons a. When somebody who had loaned some money, when he
comes to demand the return of the loan.
b. As a means for blackmail by the person
(sometimes a builder) who wants to buy somebody's property but the
latter refuses to sell.
c. When a couple thinks that they will be evicted
by the landlord as his relations have come and may need the
d. When a labourer who has not been paid for some
months, demands his money from the employer and there are some
unpleasant words exchanged.
There could be very many more reasons for abuse of
the rape law but the reasons enumerated above were sufficient for
the participants to agree that the rape related
laws could be and are being misapplied or
abused/misused by the common man,
the police and perhaps the prosecutor for some gain
or for revenge or out of anger or fear. The
Discussions During the discussions some of the difficulties
faced by the police, the accused and the judiciary were discussed
briefly. Some of these are:
1. Loopholes
The age of the prosecutrix cannot be determined
accurately because
* The school leaving certificates are unreliable,
particularly in the rural areas. Nobody registers the birth of his
or her children in the villages.
* In urban areas the municipal birth certificates
can, in many cases, be falsified for a consideration.
* The FSL test for determination of age can give an
error of +/- 2 years and is therefore unreliable.
* Most prosecutors do not know how to prove the
age. They are not trained and therefore they may be incompetent
2. Corroboration
* In rape cases there is almost always no
corroboration, no independent eyewitnesses.
3. Delays
a. In Medical Reports and also reports from the
Forensic Labs.
* There are too few Forensic laboratories in the
country. The reports are forwarded to the courts after three to six
* There is a great delay in forwarding the semen
samples to the FSL laboratories. As a result the samples are very
often putrefied and of no use for the case.
* The judiciary therefore has to rely on the
statement of the prosecutrix and circumstantial evidence. This can
sometimes lead to incorrect judgements _ The guilty could be
acquitted or an innocent person can be convicted.
b. In Trial
* There is an inordinate delay in these cases.
Sometimes the charge itself is not framed for well over one year,
and in some cases even three years. For the innocent accused this is
highly traumatic.
* There is no stipulated time frame within which
the investigation and trial must be completed.
* In many cases the trial is conducted over a
period of two to five years. During this time the alleged rapist and
accused, if he is innocent, he has already served almost the full
* There is no compensation awarded to the accused,
based on the economic status of the innocent accused for the time
spent in judicial custody on acquittal on a charge of rape after the
due process of law. The quantum of compensation to be awarded also
needs to be defined and updated from time to time.
* There is no accountability for the
Investigating Officer, or the Prosecutor or the magistrate, or the
judge for lapses in procedure, delays, and the guilty rapist has to
be released on account of insufficient evidence produced by the
prosecution. There is almost no punishment for poor investigation or
framing an innocent person for a crime he has not committed.
* Sections 177, 181 or 182 IPC are not invoked and
punishment is not awarded to the complainant for making a false
complaint and giving false statements in court.
* The IO is not charged and punished under sections
177, 181, or 182 IPC, as appropriate for making a false case against
the accused.
c. Poor or no Training of IOs, the Prosecutors
and the Judiciary
* The IOs, the prosecutors and even the judiciary
are not trained in collecting evidence, in following procedures, in
documentation, in prosecution and in trial.
* They have had almost no exposure and
sensitisation on gender issues, which is essential for
investigation, prosecution and trial of rape cases.
* There is no time frame laid out for the duration
of the trial.
The working papers given to each participant had
details of over 43 cases where the accused had been acquitted giving
the details for acquittal by the courts _ (Supreme Court, High
Court, Sessions Courts). Once the participants were convinced that
the rape related laws were indeed abused / misapplied or misused by
many people. The question arose _ What can be done to stop
The participants were divided into three groups to
examine from three viewpoints and see what recommendations for
further action emerged. The three groups were:
1. The advocacy group
2. The legal group
3. The media group
After deliberations for two hours the groups came
up with many recommendations for further action.
Summary of Recommendations
General Recommendations
1. A team of NGO psychologists and social workers
should be attached to each major police station (district level).
They should be used for examination of, both, the rape victim and
the alleged rapist for mental behaviour assessment. In the western
countries it helps to determine whether a case is a genuine or
2. The Number of FSL labs must be increased
significantly _ at least one per State.
3. Prior to conviction, the police or media should
not disclose the name of the accused.
4. The role of the media should be restricted in
rape cases especially when it starts playing the role of the
judiciary. This can be very damaging to the case and especially to
the alleged accused.
5. Some volunteer NGOs or an appropriate government
agency should be appointed
to study the practical difficulties of the
Investigating Officers, their working conditions -- their
difficulties, no vehicles for making investigations at night, no
compensation for using public transport, their long and continuous
working hours, (14 to 18) and whether the work assigned to them is
realistically possible to be executed within the time allotted. They
should then make suitable, practical and feasible recommendations.
The government should implement these.
6. A study must be made of the Prosecution and the
judiciary--what action is taken when the prosecution witnesses
repeatedly fail to turn up or turn hostile especially where VIPs or
their immediate families are involved. Some very stern measures need
to be taken by the Apex Court to prevent a travesty of justice
taking place. 7. A report should be made and circulated to the
Apex Court, the High Courts and NGOs working in this field.
8. There should be networking of NGOs who are
willing to assist.
Awareness and Media
9. Efforts should be made by NGOs, the Media and
advocacy groups to create awareness in the lower income groups about
their legal rights and the action to be taken by them in cases of
rape so that evidence is not lost and the culprit is booked before
the evidence gets tampered.
10. Workshops and street plays should be arranged
by NGOs at the grass root level
on legal literacy. Small booklets on need-based
questions of the people should
be made and distributed for the semi literates and
the literates in very simple language. 11. Documentaries and
plays based on actual cases should be shown on the TV channels
together with a small debate what should have done by the various
people and agencies. This would be the most potent tool for legal
literacy and for learning in such cases. 12. Websites should be
created by NGOs on Legal issues and options available
to the common man. These can be in the form of
Questions and answers,
with option for the public to express their views
through the mailbox on the web sites. 13. A PIL or a Common
Cause litigation with a hundred or more actual cases asking for
compensation for the acquitted accused (victims of false complaints
of rape) should be taken up. These cases can be collected through
networking with NGOs working on these issues. 14. NGOs should be
supported financially for providing free legal aid at Community
Based Counselling Centres and for legal literacy to the lower income
15. The government should sponsor or design
separate training workshops for Judges, Doctors, and the prosecutors
and the police, sensitising them to gender issues, the trauma of the
rape victim and appropriate ways of handling such cases so that the
rape victim does not get intimidated and withdraw from the case
because she can not face the brutality all over again.
16. The Law Commission should carry out a periodic
review of the present laws related to rape.
Legal Recommendations
A. Police, Prosecutors and Judiciary and
17. The Investigating agencies should have the
necessary infrastructure to fulfil their role fairly, and quickly.
Their requirement of transport especially required for
investigations at night must be catered for. Other essentially
required facilities should also be made available.
18. Lady IOs, Prosecutors and Judges should be
appointed for dealing with rape cases.
19. Preferably there should be a woman
investigation officer in rape cases because the victim will be freer
and clearer in giving her statement. Ideally they should be assisted
by a doctor, a psychologist and a counsellor,
20. The Investigating Officers dealing with rape
cases must have specialised training in investigation of rape cases.
They must also be given adequate legal knowledge for handling these
21. The state must be accountable and take
responsibility for the lapses in investigation, especially in cases
of false accusation and discharge of the accused. The informant and
the srate must compensate the accused adequately. This should happen
automatically and be part of the order discharging or acquitting the
accused without his having to apply for it.
22. If the accused is in custody, the trial should
be concluded within 6 months. If it does not conclude within this
time, the accused must be granted bail forthwith, automatically.
23. In every Police Station, the police officer
above the rank of ASI should be especially trained to investigate
the matter of Rape cases. They should also be given sensitisation
training on Gender issues.
24. If the accused is proved innocent and acquitted
by the trial court or a real
culprit is acquitted due to lapses in
investigation, the Investigating Officer
should be personally held liable for dereliction of
duty and awarded appropriate punishment as specified in the
succeeding paragraph apart from suspending him. 25. The judges
should take punitive action under sections 177, 181, or 182 IPC as
appropriate against the informant or the police officer for making
false statements/ case against the accused, leading to arrest,
judicial custody and tremendous trauma and anxiety, both to the
accused and his family. B. Laboratories and Medical and
26. The case property should be sealed and sent to
the Forensic Science Laboratory within 24 hours of the commission of
the crime. The FSL test results must be given within a mandatory
period laid down, within 7 to 10 days
27. In the hospitals, Doctors should be especially
trained to prepare the MLC
report in accordance with the law and as per the
basic principles of Medical jurisprudence.
28. The Doctors, who conduct the medical
examination, should be personally examined in the court to prove the
MLC in the court. A substitute representative from the hospital
should not be accepted. 29. The Doctors should be held
responsible if there is any dereliction of duty and incompetence and
also for falsifying reports, (if and where applicable), and punished
as appropriate.
There is ample evidence that many prosecutrix and
their families are abusing rape
related sections of the Indian Penal Code. The
police also misapply these laws quite
often. Many times the lawyers advise their clients
to invoke section 376 for bringing their opponent to the
negotiating table and give in to the threat of blackmail. Some
drastic changes are required in the society and some easier and
fairer forms of negotiations should be available to prevent
abuse/misuse and misapplication of the rape related
laws. Finally this workshop is only the first of a series. We
will need to collect much more data and only after analysis, would
we be in a position to approach the Law Commission with the data to
support a request for a review of the rape related laws. However a
very good beginning has been made for this process.
Is Section 376 IPC Being
119, Himayun Pur (G.F.), Safdarjang Enclave,
New Delhi-110029*Phone: 6187953/54
1. Acknowledgement iii
2. Preface iv
3. Review 1
4. How Women Became Powerful 4
5. The Major Loopholes Responsible for Mis-Use of
Law 6
6. Reasons Responsible For Mis-Use of Law 13
7. Cases of Alleged Rape Taken up by AAG 18
8. Conclusion 24
9. Annexures (1-9) 25
10. List of Participants 37
11. Report on the Workshop and Recommendations 39
We are very grateful to Mr. Jess Boye Moeller, the
Charge d'Affair for his support and encouragement and for making
time to attend part of the workshop despite his very busy schedule.
We are also very grateful to Mr. Peter Ellehoj, the new First
Secretary, Development for making the effort to spend some time at
the workshop.
This project was made possible thanks to the
financial support and guidance provided
by the Royal Danish Embassy, and particularly the
help given by Ms Tine Lyngholm,
First Secretary. She encouraged us greatly and
particularly supported our software development for documentation of
Jail data. Without this documentation our research would not have
been half as successful. The AIDS AWARENESS GROUP (AAG)
acknowledges the contribution of Mr. R.Gopal (Advocate) for over all
guidance of the research effort by AAG's researchers, and his
scholarly assistance in writing the report on the misuse of rape
related laws; Mr. R.K.Thakur (Advocate) for taking up the rape
cases in courts on behalf of AAG
and recording their details; Ms. Upma Shrivastava
and Ms. Shanti Som (both Advocates) for researching, compiling and
collecting the data and writing different portions of the
report. We gratefully acknowledge the contribution of Ms. Richa
Bhasin for her excellent editing of the report. Our very special
thanks are due to Dr. (Ms) Malvika Karlekar for her brilliant
suggestions for making the paper a blend of professionalism
and also giving it the NGO outlook. The
final report was completely rewritten {incorporating all of
Dr. (Ms) Malvika's suggestions}, edited and proof read by Elizabeth
and Siddhartha. Our grateful thanks are also due to Mr. Deepak
Sharma for his assistance in data entry and formatting the
The idea for this research originated from the work
started in Tihar Jail in 1996, when we (Elizabeth and Siddhartha)
started providing free legal aid to prisoners in dire need of help.
Some of them had no money to hire lawyers; some had no contacts in
Delhi to help them, others had no one to stand as surety so that
they could get out on bail which was already allowed by the court.
When we started taking up cases at random, we found many cases where
a person who was charged under section 376 (Rape), was actually
legally married to the girl he was alleged to have raped, and there
was no
rape. Since the couple had married without parental
consent, the bride's father
had filed a case of rape against the husband, in
anger, claiming that his daughter was less than 16 years of age
and that the husband had abducted the girl and forcibly married
her against her wishes. We then decided that the effectiveness of
the rape law vis-a- vis the ground reality required close
scrutiny to determine whether or not the law was being
abused. We are very strongly of the view that a real rapist
should be punished after the due process of law. But we are
equally interested in ensuring that an innocent person is
not charged for rape and incarcerated in jail for the
crime he has not committed. This research was undertaken to see
whether the rape related laws were actually being abused; and if
they were, then what could be done to prevent abuse of these laws
without harming the interest of the actual victims of rape. The
result of the study is presented in the pages that follow.